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Why chewing the Holocaust is beneficial to our body and soul and our Survival to our Heavenly abode, provided our Holocaust length is Kosher length for our eternal Salvation and Infinite Mercy of our Holocaust God Jehovah, the Mighty and Erect Penis in the Sky

Language: English, MP3, Time: Why chewing Holocaust is beneficial to our body and Soul, and Survival to our Heavenly Abode, provided our Holocaust length is of proper Kosher length for … Continue Reading Why chewing the Holocaust is beneficial to our body and soul and our Survival to our Heavenly abode, provided our Holocaust length is Kosher length for our eternal Salvation and Infinite Mercy of our Holocaust God Jehovah, the Mighty and Erect Penis in the Sky

NBC teleprompter Brian Williams tells Iran Ahmedinejad and the world there are ‘scholars’ that can teach us about the Holocaust, the HEC Cult

Language: English, MP3, Time: NBC TELEPROMPTER BRIAN WILLIAMS TELLS IRAN AHMEDINEJAD AND THE WORLD THERE ARE SCHOLARS READY TO TEACH US ABOUT THE HOLOCAUST, THE HEC CULT WHERE ARE THEY? … Continue Reading NBC teleprompter Brian Williams tells Iran Ahmedinejad and the world there are ‘scholars’ that can teach us about the Holocaust, the HEC Cult

Peace Prize Drone Killer Obama making Afghanistan and world safe and secure finds problems at home. Aaron Alexis became the man to throw his bluff

Language: English, MP3, Time: NAVY YARD KILLER, AARON ALEXIS, THROWS THE BLUFF OF NOBEL PEACE PRIZE DRONE KILLER, OBAMA, AWAY MAKING WORLD SAFE THE AMERICAN NEW WORLD ORDER CORPORATIVE WAY … Continue Reading Peace Prize Drone Killer Obama making Afghanistan and world safe and secure finds problems at home. Aaron Alexis became the man to throw his bluff

Wikipedia uses a word introduced by Ditlieb Felderer to manufacture proof for the HEC Cult, the Holocaust Extortion Cult

Language: English, MP3, Time: The Wikipedia article on Holocaust Denial of 16 September 2013 at 09:15 introduces their use of term HOLOCAUST DENIAL with: Holocaust denial is the act … Continue Reading Wikipedia uses a word introduced by Ditlieb Felderer to manufacture proof for the HEC Cult, the Holocaust Extortion Cult