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CategoryHolocaust Oversexed Terror

The Yad Vashem Sex Quenelle and the case of the Sweden pseudo-professor Helmut Mussener

The case of the Yad Vashem Sex Quenelle and the Sweden pseudo-professor Helmut Mussener The Sweden pseudo-professor Helmut Mussener and his lady Why Sweden forces Theodicy on its willing slaves … Continue Reading The Yad Vashem Sex Quenelle and the case of the Sweden pseudo-professor Helmut Mussener

School Children forced to learn about the Holocaust Cult must also learn about the Louse epidemics at Auschwitz and rest of Poland, and the meaning of the Newspeak word HOLOCAUST

Language: English, MP3, Time: School Children forced to learn about the Holocaust Cult must also learn about the Louse Epidemic problems at Auschwitz and elsewhere in Poland and the meaning … Continue Reading School Children forced to learn about the Holocaust Cult must also learn about the Louse epidemics at Auschwitz and rest of Poland, and the meaning of the Newspeak word HOLOCAUST

Some notorious HD and HEC Cult racketeers who stole the hard work of others just like the Jewish Sonderkommando

Language: English, MP3, Time: WHO ARE THESE HD, HEC CULT, EXTERMINATIONIST, MARTYROLOGIST, CAUSTOLOGY, HOLOCAUST EXTORTION CULT MEN? A LIST OF SOME LEADING MYTHOMANIACS, PSEUDO PROFESSORS AND OTHER ACADEMIC MERCENARIES AND … Continue Reading Some notorious HD and HEC Cult racketeers who stole the hard work of others just like the Jewish Sonderkommando